Deploy the Cisco Umbrella Roaming Client with Intune

**CISCO NO LONGER RECOMMENDS USING THE UMBRELLA ROAMING CLIENT. SEE THIS POST FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON DEPLOYING THE SECURE CLIENT WITH UMBRELLA MODULE – Deploy the Cisco Secure Client with Umbrella Module using Intune – SMBtotheCloud If your organization or clients are using Cisco Umbrella for additional endpoint protection, this blog walks through deploying the Umbrella […]

Deploy the Cisco Umbrella Roaming Client with Intune Read More »

Configure MAM for iOS/Android with one Script

MAM is becoming an increasingly popular Intune implementation. Especially for smaller organizations that don’t provide corporate cell phones but still want to allow employees access to company email and data from their personal devices. Manually configuring MAM for organizations can be slightly time consuming, so I’ve created a script that creates and assigns everything needed

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Handling Unmanaged Windows Devices – Using Windows MAM with Intune

All organizations differ in how they want to secure (or not secure) their data. Inevitably, the weakest points in an organization’s defense are the end users and endpoints. Allowing any device access to corporate resources is generally not a good practice. It’s much easier to control access from company-owned hardware since we can ensure our

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Find Stale FSLogix Profiles with Azure Automation and get Notified through Teams

Overview AVD and FSLogix are widely used and being adopted by more and more organizations. If you’re not familiar with FSLogix or AVD, you should have a basic understanding of how it works. At a high level, FSLogix creates a .vhdx file containing the user profile data (everything for the c:\users\username, which also contains the

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Resolving Sysprep error – “app was installed for a user, but not provisioned for all users”

 I recently ran into an issue with a client when trying to capture a new AVD image. When trying to sysprep the VM before image capture, we were receiving the below error – “Sysprep was not able to validate your Windows Installation. Review the log file at %WINDIR%\System32\Sysprep\Panther\setupact.log”    The above error on its own is

Resolving Sysprep error – “app was installed for a user, but not provisioned for all users” Read More »

Deploy Custom Backgrounds to New Teams with Remediations

With the New Teams app being GA, organizations will eventually move from “Teams Classic” to the “New Teams” app. There are several reasons to make the switch, the biggest reason likely being the performance benefits. As I’ve been testing the new teams, I realized that custom backgrounds that were manually added, or added via remediations,

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